Sunday 26 May 2013

Le Trône de Fer

The Iron Throne is my latest bit of reading material, except it's in French and could theoretically be used to batter someone to death. Picture below with UK and European currency for comparison, because I'm both culturally diverse and staggeringly wealthy.

Right: Pound coin. Left: Euro coin.

This morning was a glorious morning. It was a morning that should be written about in song, because this morning I lay in bed until 10am. I know, it's vile and disgusting, but I just needed it. I've not had a chance to laze about in bed for far too long. So this morning I made la grasse matinée and was generally hideous. I went for a gorgeous stroll around lunchtime, because there is a glorious little park not five minutes from where I live. 

There's nothing more wonderful than a park in the sunshine, with children laughing and playing nearby and the freedom to stroll anywhere and absorb the sun. Glorious. When I come to do a Master's, I have to choose between the land of opportunity, the US (for which I shall need to first win the lottery, and then gamble it on a 100-1 bet) and here in France, where it will cost me tuppence ha'penny and where I shall be closer to my family than I would otherwise be. But American. But family. 

I'm lucky I've another two years to think about this.

My afternoon was given over to tutoring A, who once again is speeding through his work. Speeding a little too much, actually; in English a missing article only rarely changes the meaning of a phrase. In Maths, missing a negative sign or a single digit will result in utterly the wrong answer, but short of drugging him (girlfriend's suggestion) I can't figure out how to slow him down.

The buses stop running on Sunday's two minutes after 7 o'clock, which meant a walk home - but a walk home in balmy sun, with just enough breeze to keep a fellow cool. I walked with my nose in the adventures of the Iron Throne and didn't get run over at all, which is something of a success. And I picked up an ice lolly on the way home.

Today has been, unequivocally, a Good Day.

Tune in tomorrow to see how it (predictably) goes all wahoonie shaped.

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